The Austrian Association of Hawai'i is holding a number of events throughout the year. Please visit our Blog for updates: |
Past Events
March 7 Austrian Stammtisch Lunch, Wienerschnitzel with Wiener music at Kapiolani Community College -- CANCELLED!
March 14 Guided Tour of Iolani Palace, with Dr. Niklaus Schweizer
April 19 Lamb Shank Special Dinner, by Chef Guido Ullman (place and time TBA)
May 24 Kaffee Klatsch, at the scenic beach front home of the Allerstorfer’s - Rescheduled to May 9!
June 7 AAH Hike, a moderate hike in the lovely outdoors - Rescheduled to July 7!
June 14 AAH Picnic-BBQ, Waialae Nui Ridge Recreation Center, Halekoa Drive
July 12 AAH annual hike Diamond Head summit
July 19 Pot Luck BBQ afternoon at the Kaneohe Yacht Club
August 8 “Otto Orenstein Gullasch Party,” Hale Koa Hotel
September 3 – 6 Weltbund Convention, in Klagenfurt, Austria, with 3 days post conference hiking, dining and drinking in Maria Alm!
September 15 AAH RV Caravan, in Northern California if at least 3 RV's take part, please inquire
October 9 Oktoberfest at the Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki
October 25 Austria’s National Day celebration, Waialae Country Club
December 9 Christmas in Austria, Waialae Country Club
March 15, 2014
Lunch Buffet and Film Presentation at Wai’oli Tea Room
April 27, 2014
Annual Wine Tasting at the Waikiki Yacht Club
June 22, 2014
AAH Picnic-BBQ at Waialae Nui Ridge Recreation Center
Between mid May and mid July
AAH RV Caravan in California. Date TBA if interested, please inquire
August 9, 2014
"Otto Orenstein" Gullasch Party, Hale Koa Hotel
September, 4 – 7 , 2014
Weltbund Convention, Baden, Austria with 3 days post conference hiking, dining and drinking, in Maria Alm
October 26, 2014
Austria’s National Day celebration at Waialae Country Club
December 6, 2014
Christmas in Austria at Waialae Country Club
March 3rd 2013 Kaffeeklatsch and Filmabend at the Allerstorfer Beach Villa on famed Kailua Beach
April 24th 2013
Annual Wine Tasting at the Waikiki Yacht Club
June 30th 2013
AAH Picnic-BBQ at Waialae Nui Ridge Recreation Center, Halekoa Drive
August 10th 2013
"Otto Orenstein" Gullasch Party, Hale Koa Hotel
September 5th – 8th 2013
Weltbund Convention, Linz, Austria with 3 days post conf. hiking, dining and drinking, in Maria Alm!
October 27th 2013
Austria’s National Day celebration at Waialae Country Club
December 7th 2013
Christmas in Austria at Waialae Country Club
There are several Operetta and Film evenings as well as fellowship get togethers during the year.
If you are interested in these activities please contact us with your e-mail address and we keep you abreast.
March 7 Austrian Stammtisch Lunch, Wienerschnitzel with Wiener music at Kapiolani Community College -- CANCELLED!
March 14 Guided Tour of Iolani Palace, with Dr. Niklaus Schweizer
April 19 Lamb Shank Special Dinner, by Chef Guido Ullman (place and time TBA)
May 24 Kaffee Klatsch, at the scenic beach front home of the Allerstorfer’s - Rescheduled to May 9!
June 7 AAH Hike, a moderate hike in the lovely outdoors - Rescheduled to July 7!
June 14 AAH Picnic-BBQ, Waialae Nui Ridge Recreation Center, Halekoa Drive
July 12 AAH annual hike Diamond Head summit
July 19 Pot Luck BBQ afternoon at the Kaneohe Yacht Club
August 8 “Otto Orenstein Gullasch Party,” Hale Koa Hotel
September 3 – 6 Weltbund Convention, in Klagenfurt, Austria, with 3 days post conference hiking, dining and drinking in Maria Alm!
September 15 AAH RV Caravan, in Northern California if at least 3 RV's take part, please inquire
October 9 Oktoberfest at the Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki
October 25 Austria’s National Day celebration, Waialae Country Club
December 9 Christmas in Austria, Waialae Country Club
March 15, 2014
Lunch Buffet and Film Presentation at Wai’oli Tea Room
April 27, 2014
Annual Wine Tasting at the Waikiki Yacht Club
June 22, 2014
AAH Picnic-BBQ at Waialae Nui Ridge Recreation Center
Between mid May and mid July
AAH RV Caravan in California. Date TBA if interested, please inquire
August 9, 2014
"Otto Orenstein" Gullasch Party, Hale Koa Hotel
September, 4 – 7 , 2014
Weltbund Convention, Baden, Austria with 3 days post conference hiking, dining and drinking, in Maria Alm
October 26, 2014
Austria’s National Day celebration at Waialae Country Club
December 6, 2014
Christmas in Austria at Waialae Country Club
March 3rd 2013 Kaffeeklatsch and Filmabend at the Allerstorfer Beach Villa on famed Kailua Beach
April 24th 2013
Annual Wine Tasting at the Waikiki Yacht Club
June 30th 2013
AAH Picnic-BBQ at Waialae Nui Ridge Recreation Center, Halekoa Drive
August 10th 2013
"Otto Orenstein" Gullasch Party, Hale Koa Hotel
September 5th – 8th 2013
Weltbund Convention, Linz, Austria with 3 days post conf. hiking, dining and drinking, in Maria Alm!
October 27th 2013
Austria’s National Day celebration at Waialae Country Club
December 7th 2013
Christmas in Austria at Waialae Country Club
There are several Operetta and Film evenings as well as fellowship get togethers during the year.
If you are interested in these activities please contact us with your e-mail address and we keep you abreast.